Be my Sabbath.
Because everything I thought I wanted has left me empty and only wanting more.
Take me far from these speeding high ways,
rescue me from these crashing high waves.
Be my Sabbath.
Restore my soul.
Be my Sabbath.
For I find no peace and there is no shelter.
I am living in the shadows of dead lines and dollar signs,
and they daily demand more than I can give.
Be My Sabbath.
Comfort my Spirit.
Be my Sabbath.
For the path I run is long, and I cannot see the end.
When I sleep I do not rest.
My nights are full of fears and failures,
and always the eternal questions of eternity:
Is this all there is? Who will lead me home to rest?
Be My Sabbath.
Anchor my heart.
Lord Sabbaoth, You are my Sabbath.
Because your Words continually leave me at a loss for mine.
"Surely your goodness and mercy..."
Surely, your greatest Love
meets me at my greatest need-
leaving my soul restored,
My spirit comforted,
And my heart anchored.
Fantastic!!! Wow, I really enjoyed this piece on about 10 different levels. Remarkable. (is this a stylistic experiment or have I missed it in the past?)
i am humbled and silenced.
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