Sunday, January 11, 2009


Though the path is dark,
I will not let you fall.

Though the night is cold,
I will keep your thoughts from sleep.

Though you walk this journey alone,
I will never leave your side.

Child of the King,
Don't forget:
Your tears may be many,
but My promises for you are more.


Unknown said...

my promises for you are more...

you inspire me to live with the expectation to God desires more than anything to come through for me regarding His promises.

thank you jessi. thank you more than you realise.

i am still waiting anxiously for your letter...

Steve said...

I like that last line, too. On the first line I thought, "Oh, does it need the "the" dark?" Though technically no, the dark is often an object when it comes to our sense of the future or our surroundings. It is not only dark. Sometimes it is the dark. Our task then is to see through the object and realize it really is just an adjective, a temporary adjective.

Jekisa Jean said...

"the" is not supposed to be in there.
it is just supposed to be "dark".

i need to THE edit before posting.

Jekisa Jean said...

thank you,
you are so very kind,

the letter is sent!
it's off and flying :)

georgia b. said...

hi, j.

i read your most recent posts last night. i enjoyed both very much, and i especially loved this one after having talked about and praying about what we did.

i guess, your writing is so good to me, and your words so relevant, that i sometimes just feel so stupid to say anything at all. but you should know how i feel—simply that i love to read what you are writing.

i came back to say this, because i also wanted to say, even your comments are great writing! your comment today made me howl—okay, not really, but almost. and i can tell you, i surely needed that laugh. even brac was laughing. :)

the cost of my repairs keeps climbing. i'm up to $1500 now. :(


well, friend. i am so very excited about our joint-writing effort. i'm anxious for that time to come when it just flows—it usually happens in the middle of the night. i look forward to putting thoughts to pen and paper and comparing it with what you come up with. should we put a word count limit on it?

well, let me know. have a good evening, j. i'll talk to you soon.


Chris said...

Beautiful words, and that image is absolutely gorgeous!

Josh Buck said...

its purdy. and the pic is too.